Now that the fires that wrought destruction upon our beloved mountains have gone out – it’s safe to venture out and explore the beauty the underrated Slieve Bloom region has to offer! On Sunday July 29th, we will meet at…
Ard Éireann Walk 2018

Now that the fires that wrought destruction upon our beloved mountains have gone out – it’s safe to venture out and explore the beauty the underrated Slieve Bloom region has to offer! On Sunday July 29th, we will meet at…
Ard Eireann Festival 2017 is upon us again. Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th July, two days of celebrating the Slieve Bloom Mountains. Traditionally the festival was an ancient pre-harvest festival and was revived 6 years ago by The Slieve Bloom Association. As part…
Bealtaine May Bush Festival 2017 will take place on Sunday 30th April at 2:00pm on The Green and at the Community Centre in Rosenallis, Co. Laois. Now in its 4th year, the Bealtaine May Bush Festival hosted by the Slieve…
Imbolc Festival 2017 was celebrated on Sunday the 5th February in Cadamstown, County Offaly. It is the 5th year the Slieve Bloom Association has hosted this revived festival. Imbolc Festival marks the beginning of Spring. It is one of the…
Imbolc Festival 2017 or ‘Milking of the Goat’ Festival is organised by the Slieve Bloom Association. Now in its 5th year, this years Festival will take place on Sunday 5th February. The meeting point is Cadamstown Car Park, County Offaly,…
The Slieve Bloom Association AGM will be held on Thursday 19th January 2017 at 8pm in the Community Hall, Kinnitty. Annual membership remains at €10. Contact for further information. Happy New Year!
The Slieve Bloom Association are holding their annual Christmas Dinner Party on Friday 9th December in the Community Hall, Rosenallis at 7pm. The cost is €20pp for a 3 course meal. Raffle tickets available on the night for a chance…
The Slieve Bloom Ard Eireann Festival returns this year on the last weekend of July, Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st. The Festival was an ancient pre-harvest festival and was revived 6 years ago by The Slieve Bloom Association. See details of this year’s itinerary…